March 5, 2025
Every aspect of our life is now impacted by technology, and this trend is only growing. However, there are substantial concerns connected with the rising use of technology, one of them being the harmful consequences it has on mental health. Screen time and social media use among kids and teens have been connected to a rise in the prevalence of mental health issues and has shown to have an impact on social skills and development. The overuse of screens can also reduce opportunities for face-to-face interactions with family and friends. Here are some tips on how to monitor and limit your child’s use of technology: Keep an open dialogue. Talk to your child about technology, especially online safety. Communicate with your child the reasons behind limiting screen time and why it is crucial. Set screen time limits. Set a time for how long your child can be on his/her screen. Encourage non-screen activities such as playtime and being outdoors. Establish screen time curfews, such as no exposure to electronic devices or screens one hour before bedtime. Monitor screen time. Give your child a list of websites that are safe to visit. Create technology-free zones/times. Consider allocating spaces or rooms in the house for activities that do not involve electronics. Moreover, technology-free times may include dinner, in the car, school nights, and family outings. Know your children’s friends, both online and offline. Be aware of the devices your child uses, the games they play, the websites they visit, and the people they communicate with. Be a good role model to your child and set limits for yourself when it comes to screen time. Children mimic their parents' behavior, and this is also true of how they use technology. Keep your child’s bedroom free from electronic devices. Consider having your child charge their electronic devices outside of their bedroom. In addition to getting less sleep, children who have access to electronic devices in their bedrooms are more likely to use them. Click here for additional resources.