Donations to our Annual Giving Campaign fund the purchase of advanced educational technology and curriculum.
Proceeds from our Auction & Gala fund SPS tuition assistance and support our sister school in Cap Haitien, Haiti: Notre Dame d'Altagrace.
Break Ground, Build Dreams
In addition to our Annual Giving Campaign, Auction and Gala, and Cornerstone Campaign, St. Peter School parents and families host several fundraisers throughout the school year (with an emphasis on FUN!), including but not limited to:
For questions, contact Director of Community Engagement Jenny Thiel.
Contributions of cash, checks or money orders are accepted and preferred. Checks should be made out to St. Peter School with the note, “Annual Giving Campaign.”
Contributions by credit card may be made at and VISA, Mastercard, Discover and American Express accepted. Please consider adding 6% to base gift to cover credit card fees.
We remain in business with the CFC! ID number (for St. Peter’s Church and school) is #39466. Here is the link to donate:!/home
The CFC does not include donor names and gift amounts with disbursements, so please share gift details with the SPS Development Office to ensure proper recognition. To donate through United Way, note “St. Peter School” as a write-in agency.
Please consider amplifying your donation through an employer matching gift. Check participation details where you work.
To transact a securities donation, please contact the SPS Development Office.
Supporters can ensure the long-term financial security of the school through planned giving. Gifts can be made through a will bequest, a life insurance beneficiary designation or a retirement plan.
Our school earns hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars from these programs. Please consider sharing this information with friends and family so they can designate St. Peter School through the programs below.
St. Peter’s Church has an online donation account with Givebutter, which allows parents to make general donations, pay for gently used uniforms, and make other school-related purchases. Click this link or scan the QR code to get started. Click “+ Add a message” on the first page to share the reason for the purchase (e.g., uniforms) for accounting purposes.
St. Peter School, Capitol Hill
422 Third Street SE
Washington, DC 20003
(202) 544-1618
Fax: (202) 547-5101